On Thursday 8th February 2018, a selection of sports leaders travelled to a sports conference in Stoke Mandeville Stadium sports hall.  We played a variety of many different sporting activities such as: Volley Ball, which we all thoroughly enjoyed; different Tag Rugby games, including hunt and chase; as well as many other games.  During the different activities we could have an option to lead many different games, so we can experience new sporting challenges.
When we arrived we were handed unique T-shirts, according to our roles; we got three different types of coloured shirts, which represented three individual jobs.

There was an orange T-shirt which showed the Change For Life Champions.

The blue T-shirt stood for the playground leaders,

and the purple was for the sports organisers.

Next we plan to share our ideas with the infant site.

Overall it was a great experience for all of us and we thoroughly enjoyed the day!

Written by a Year 6 senior sports leader.