We are delighted to share our 2023-24 National test results. In Foundation, year 1 and 2 phonics, year 2 reading and maths and all tests in year 6 we were above National and Bucks, in some cases significantly above particularly for children working at the highest level of ‘Greater Depth’.

2023-24 Performance data

The Department for Education updates comparative performance data for 2023/2024 later in the following academic year. Until this is live, please see the below summary of our Key Stage 2 statutory assessment data, commonly referred to as SATs, for the last academic year:

Subject Percentage of children working at the expected standard or above (EXS+) Percentage of children working at greater depth within the expected standard (GDS) Average Scaled Score*
Reading 83% 48% 106.7
Writing 65% 22% N/A
Maths 91% 43% 107.8
RWM combined 61% 13% N/A
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) 87% 65% 109.4
Science 96% Science statutory assessment does not include Greater Depth N/A

*: Scaled scores range from 80-120. Scores between 80 and 99 are graded “Working Towards the Expected Standard”, scores between 100 and 109 are graded “Working at the Expected Standard” and between 110 and 120 are graded “Working at Greater Depth within the Standard”. Only subjects with tests have scaled scores: Reading, Maths and GPS.