Cuddington & Dinton Church of England School  |  t: 01844 291206|


Crime and Punishment through History in Oxford

2025-02-06T11:10:40+00:004th February, 2025|Home, News, Year 5, Year 6|

On Monday the 3rd of February year 5 and 6 went to Oxford Castle and Prison. First, some of us did a workshop about Crime and Punishment that was a fascinating and exiting experience. At the same time, the other group had a tour around the castle and prison. We saw many prison cells [...]

Year 5 and 6 Knife Crime Workshop

2025-02-04T16:55:59+00:004th February, 2025|Home, News, Year 5, Year 6|

With an emphasis on 'knowledge is power', discussions were held to include the law surrounding knife crime and peer pressure. Through a variety of age-appropriate practical activities and meaningful discussions, the children work through a scenario-based activity, identifying the choices being made and the consequences of these choices. As the scenario escalates, the children [...]

Year 4 Create an Animal Fact File

2025-02-04T15:47:34+00:004th February, 2025|Home, News, Year 4|

Over the last few weeks, Year 3 and Year 4 have been learning all about information texts. They were given a choice of 4 animals to choose from and then research. First, they planned, drafted and edited their work, before publishing some excellent posters containing all of their information. They worked really hard to [...]

Year 1 and 2 Sharing Recounts

2025-01-31T11:58:56+00:0031st January, 2025|Home, News, Year 1, Year 2|

This week, Year 1 and Year 2 shared their amazing recounts with one another. It was a lovely opportunity for them to focus on reading aloud as well as sharing work that they have worked really hard on. Vinnie and Alec were also really brave and they volunteered to the whole of Year 1 [...]

Christmas Carol Service

2024-12-19T15:14:08+00:0019th December, 2024|Home, News, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6|

We all enjoyed the annual Carol Service at St Peter and St Paul Church on Wednesday evening. With huge thanks to Mrs Clements and her Choir, who performed with enthusiasm and skill moving members of the congregation to tears!  Some of our talented pupils performed Piano, guitar and voice.  It was a great opportunity [...]

Winning House Afternoon Treat

2024-12-18T16:03:31+00:0018th December, 2024|Foundation, Home, News, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6|

On Monday Claydon House at the Junior site enjoyed a fun afternoon decorating Christmas biscuits and designing a cake box to carry them home in.  Some expert decorating took place, future Bake Off competitors in the making! Tuesday afternoon was the Infant winning Houses turn, with Claydon and Chequers also enjoying an afternoon decorating [...]

Nativity 2024

2024-12-16T13:52:17+00:0014th December, 2024|Foundation, Home, News, Year 1, Year 2|

Thank you to Mrs Clements, Mrs Bowman, Miss Bailey, Mrs Smith, Miss Webb and Mrs Humphries (and not forgetting Miss Coles), for producing such a memorable Nativity for our pupils to perform.  All of the children showed dedication and enthusiasm during the learning of the songs and the Nativity script. Not to forget the [...]

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