On Tuesday 28th April 2015 in Cuddington and Dinton Junior School, a girl, 8 years old, found a hamster. The girl was called Ella. Ella was supposed to go to the staffroom to get some paperwork from Mr Mould. She saw the hamster and picked it up. It was in a blue hamster ball and so Ella was safe.

“It’s so cute,” exclaimed Ella.

She carried the hamster back to the classroom. Everyone was so shocked as Ella walked into the classroom holding the hamster.

Mrs Baker had to cancel the English lesson and turn the hamster thing into a project. Apparently, the hamster got called Humphrey.

Everyone was making posters. “Have you seen this black and white hamster?” it said on one. Also, people were looking for clues.

On Thursday 30th April, Year 3 still had not found the owner of the hamster. Mr Tomson, the Deputy Head said that if we can’t find the owner of Humphrey we could possibly keep him as a class pet.

Year 3 emailed a family living near-by, to ask if they had lost a hamster, but their hamster was in his cage.

Who knows what will happen next.

(Report by Ella – Year 3)